Bellarmine’s quiz bowl team will be running our annual novice tournament on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at Bellarmine College Preparatory in San Jose, California. We will be using NAQT’s Introductory Invitational Set #153A. This particular set of questions is intentionally geared towards newer teams.
The initial field cap will be 36 teams, with possible expansion, dependent on the number of staffers and buzzers we have available. Teams are restricted to six players each; please break up any larger teams into two or more teams. There is no limit to the number of teams that can come from any single school. We heavily urge all teams attending to bring buzzers and staffers.
All teams of high schoolers from the same school are eligible to play in this event, although players who have competed at the NAQT High School National Championship Tournament, the PACE National Scholastic Championship or the HSAPQ National All-Star Academic Tournament in the past two years must receive special permission from the tournament director to play.
We anticipate that rounds will go from 9:00 until approximately 4:30, followed by an awards ceremony. The exact round timings and other logistical information will be emailed to teams in the week before the tournament. Please do not plan to leave early without telling us beforehand.
base fee: $70 per team
–$5 for second or subsequent team from the same school
–$10 for teams composed entirely of students that have not competed at a pyramidal quiz bowl tournament prior to the 2015–16 school year
–$10 per working buzzer (please do not bring buzzers that are not in good working condition)
–$10 per staffer
–$10 travel discount per 75 miles driving one way, as determined by Google Maps from your school to Bellarmine
We will also give a discount of $5 for half-day staffers (those who can staff from Round 1 until lunch or from lunch until the conclusion of the day). All staffers, including half-day staffers, will receive lunch.
The minimum fee after all discounts have been added is $20 per team.
To register: please fill out this form by Wednesday, January 13:
Registered teams will be provided with more detailed information before the tournament. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me (Jonchee Kao, or Chris Fleitas ( Any volunteer staffers not affiliated with a registered team are warmly welcome and should contact us as well. We hope to see your team there!