High School Quiz Bowl tournament @ UC Berkeley (Mar 7, 2015)
What: Quiz Bowl is a team buzzer competition (similar to science bowl and history bowl) that features questions in all academic subjects (such as science, history, literature, etc). Each team is composed of 4 students from the same school. There will be teams competing from the Bay Area, Sacramento, and Monterey. This tournament will be the 4th tournament in our series of 4 HS tournaments held during the 2014-2015 school year. Called the California Cup, it is the most prestigious series of quiz bowl events in California. We have a Varsity division for experienced teams and a JV division for newer teams. Our tournament in late November featured 49 teams! More information about how Quiz Bowl works can be found at our website, https://www.norcalquizbowl.org/.
Where: Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
When: Saturday, March 7. Registration will begin at 8:15AM. The competition will begin at 9AM and run until (about) 5:00PM. We will have a lunch break in the early afternoon (there are many places to get food close to campus on Telegraph Avenue).
Eligibility: All current high school students are eligible to compete.
$65 entry fee per team for new schools. Schools are welcome to enter multiple teams.
$10 discount per buzzer
$5 discount per scorekeeper (coach, parent, teacher, friend, etc)
$20 discount per 75 miles traveled one-way (according to Google maps)
Minimum entry fee per team: $20
Payment (cash or check) will be taken on-site at registration.
How to register: Please email us at californiacupquizbowl (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in playing or having any questions.
Thank you and we hope you will be able to join us at the tournament!
Nicholas Karas and Aseem Keyal
Co-Presidents, UC Berkeley Quiz Bowl
The UC Berkeley Quiz Bowl Club is a student group acting independently of the University of California. The student organization is the host of the quiz bowl tournament and takes full responsibility for the guests.