Category: Announcements

Cal Cup #4 (Sun, March 31) Registration

Cal Cup #4 is taking place on Sunday, March 31 at Bellarmine College Prep in San Jose. To register, please fill out this form (all teams, including package teams, must fill out the form). We are implementing a field cap of 15 for Competitive, 20 for Standard, and 20 for Novice. Thus, all non-package teams will be placed …

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Cal Cup #3 (March 16) Registration is now open

Cal Cup #3 is taking place on Saturday, March 16 at Menlo-Atherton (public) High School in Atherton. Check-in will start at 8:30AM and we will start round 1 no later than 9AM. We will have a field cap of 18 in Competitive, 25 in Standard, and 30 in Novice. Pizza will be available for purchase on-site for lunch. …

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Cal Cup #3 has been postponed to March 16

We learned this afternoon of additional fees that would be owed for running Cal Cup #3 at Deer Valley HS; such fees would make it prohibitively expensive to run the event there. Therefore, Cal Cup #3 will not be taking place on Saturday. We will run Cal Cup #3 on Saturday, March 16 (location TBA). When the …

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Cal Cup #3 Update

We are currently trying to secure rooms at Deer Valley High School in Antioch for Cal Cup #3 on February 23 (DVHS does not have the entirety of next week off as many Bay Area schools do). We will let everyone know as soon as we hear back from the school. None of the South …

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Sacramento March MS Tournament

Registration is now open for the Sacramento March Middle School Tournament, to be held on Saturday, March 2 at Churchill MS in Carmichael. This event features separate JV/Varsity divisions. Entry fee info is here. This competition is free for middle schools that have never played quiz bowl before. Register here. Any interested Bay Area schools must wait until Tuesday, …

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Upcoming Bay Area MS Tournaments

1) Registration is now open for the Bay Area February MS Tournament, to be held on Sunday, February 17 at Leland High School in San Jose. This competition features separate JV/Varsity divisions. Entry fee information is here.Registration takes place here. Please note: schools that competed at the February 2 Sacramento MS Tournament cannot compete at the Feb 17 …

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Sacramento Winter HS Tournament

The Sacramento Winter HS Tournament will take place on Saturday, January 12 at Rio Americano High School. This competition features separate Varsity and JV Divisions; the field cap is currently 20. Sacramento-area teams can begin registering now; Bay Area teams cannot register until Monday, December 24. Entry fee info is here. Registration takes place here.

Cal Cup #2 [Rescheduled]

We have decided to reschedule Cal Cup #2 for Saturday, January 19 due to concerns regarding the air quality this Saturday; the competition will probably still take place at Bellarmine but we will confirm that soon. We apologize for any inconvenience.   Stay tuned for announcements regarding other upcoming events.

Cal Cup #2 (Nov 17)

Cal Cup #2 (Cal Classic) is taking place on Saturday, November 17. Registration takes place on the NAQT website here. Teams can still purchase the package at Cal Cup #2. If your team is planning to purchase the package at Cal Cup #2 please indicate that in the “other information” section at the bottom of …

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December MS Tournament @ Sunol Glen

The December MS Tournament is taking place at Sunol Glen School in Sunol on Sunday, December 2; this is the tournament that was originally planned for Stanford. A reminder that schools that competed at the September Sacramento tournament cannot also compete at this tournament (both competitions are using NAQT MS-27). Entry fee information can be found here. Registration for the 12/2 …

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