Category: Announcements

(In-person!) Cal Cup #3 registration is now open

We are pleased to announce that Cal Cup #3 will take place on Saturday, February 12 at Saint Francis in Mountain View; we’d like to thank SF coach Mei Yang for her assistance during this process. Saint Francis asks for strict masking when inside and reasonable social distancing when eating outside. In addition, the school requests that large numbers …

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Bay Area Winter MS Tournament @ Discord (Jan 29)

This competition is taking place on Saturday, January 29 on Discord and will feature separate JV/Varsity divisions. We are using NAQT MS-40; it is likely that this set will be used in Sacramento in February or March. This tournament is limited to teams in northern California, Oregon, and Nevada. Teams may consist of up to …

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Sacramento Winter HS Tournament @ Discord (Jan 22)

This competition is taking place on Saturday, January 22 on Discord. We are using NAQT IS-208 for Varsity and IS-209A for JV. The initial field cap is 9 for both divisions. Teams may consist of up to six members. The last date to register is Tuesday, January 18. We are limiting the field to only …

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Cal Cup #2 Registration is now open!

Cal Cup #2 is taking place on Saturday, December 18 (on Discord). We will use CALISTO 2 for Competitive/Standard and CERES for Novice (both housewrite sets). Entry fee/discount/payment info is the same as Cal Cup #1. The field cap, for now, is 14 teams per division. New: If a middle school registers several teams we will place 2 in …

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California Cup #1 Registration now open!

California Cup #1 (Cal Classic) will take place online (Discord) on Saturday, November 13. We are using NAQT IS-206 for the Competitive+Standard divisions and NAQT IS-207A for the Novice division. Like last year, teams will pay for each tournament separately. Teams consist of up to six members. This will likely be the only Cal Cup tournament …

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Update on Sac HS Tournament

We have closed the field (for now) for the Oct 23 Sacramento HS tournament; however, we are letting all schools (Bay Area/out of state/middle schools/etc.) sign up for the waitlist. We will expand the field if we can get more staff. Register here

ACF Fall HS Mirror (Oct 17)

The Northern California Quiz Bowl Alliance, in collaboration with Southern California Quiz Bowl and the Georgia Academic Team Association, is pleased to announce that the CA+GA high school site of 2021 ACF Fall will be held on Zoom on Sunday, October 17, 2021. This competition is open to all high schools in the states of California …

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CA Fall Novice Tournament (Oct 30)

The California Fall Novice Tournament will take place online (Discord) on Saturday, October 30; we plan to use the SCOP Novice set for this event. All high schools from California are welcome to compete (middle school teams cannot compete– sorry!) We are using the same eligibility standards as last year (listed here).  Ineligible high school students …

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Fall Calendar

Hello Players, Coaches, and Parents! Welcome to the new school year! We hope everyone had a pleasant and healthy summer. 1) Based on the results of the team survey (here– if your school has not already submitted), most Bay Area schools prefer to wait until Spring to resume in-person events. Therefore, we plan to continue with …

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Bay Area April MS Tournament

This competition is taking place on Saturday, April 10 and features separate Varsity/JV Divisions. Register here => Entry fee info here =>